

Being single can be lonely sometimes but I’d definitely pick being single than being with the wrong person. You can definitely enjoy being single but will you enjoy being with the wrong person?

You’re definitely lucky being single, some people are stuck in a toxic relationship they can’t get out of and are craving to be single and away from the person. As you’re craving for a relationship, someone else is craving to get out of theirs.


YOU DON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE STRESS OF A RELATIONSHIP: you’re free from the stress and hurt that comes from being with the wrong person. You are not constantly thinking of getting away from someone and being on your own. You’re not worried about someone not treating you right or making time for you. You’re stress free from a relationship.

YOU HAVE PEACE OF MIND: there’s this peace of mind that comes with being on your own, in your space. Your mind is completely free from thoughts of another person especially disturbing thoughts. You are not afraid of someone hurting you both physically and emotionally.

YOU HAVE TIME FOR YOURSELF: you have time to pursue your dreams, follow your passion and accomplish your goals. You are not thinking of someone else that isn’t worth your time. You are focusing on you, on loving yourself and investing in yourself. Your time for yourself is not shared with someone you’d rather not spend your time with.

YOU ARE NOT WALLOWING IN REGRET: most people that are with the wrong person are full of regrets, they are constantly thinking of the “what ifs”, they are regretting being with the wrong person and putting up with them. You’re not thinking of how to leave a toxic relationship nor are you regretting being with someone you know isn’t meant for you.

YOUR HAPPINESS IS NOT RUINED: you are happy with yourself and most importantly happy by yourself, you don’t need anyone to make you happy. You are not dealing with the sadness that comes from being with the wrong person that has maybe cheated on you or abused you. No one is ruining your happiness for you by doing something bad to you.

YOU ARE NOT BROKEN FROM A BAD RELATIONSHIP: being with the wrong person often times break a person and I’m not just talking of the heartbreak. You’re not broken from being abused and cheated on. You’re not broken from I’ll treatment. You are whole, no one has messed you up.

YOU HAVE FREEDOM: you are free to do what you want without fear or favour. You have freedom to go wherever you want and come back whenever you want without having to face a possessive and demanding partner. You’re a free bird that isn’t stuck in a cage, make good use of your time.

YOU ARE NOT WASTING YOUR TIME: you are putting your time to good use and making the most of your single life. You are not wasting your time with someone that treats you badly, someone you can’t even consider getting married to. You’re patiently waiting for the right one.

YOUR CONFIDENCE AND SELF LOVE IS INTACT: your sense of self is intact. You know your worth, you’re not settling for less than you deserve. You love yourself, your self confidence and self esteem has not been crushed by someone. There’s no verbally abusive partner that is making you feel unworthy or making you hate yourself. No one is making you question yourself and things you value.

YOU ARE ENJOYING YOUR SINGLE LIFE: you are enjoying your single life after all you won’t be single forever. You are simply enjoying your time with yourself and putting it to good use.

Even if you’re single, you’re not in a bad relationship and if you are in a toxic relationship, please speak up. You don’t have to put up with someone that is hurting you. Don’t settle for less than you deserve, there’s so much more out there. Someone that will treat you the way you need to be treated. Be a high value woman and know your worth, set your standards for a relationship and don’t settle for what you don’t want.

If you enjoyed reading don’t forget to like and follow so you won’t miss updates and also comment below on what you are grateful for as you’re single.


These are all so true! When my first relationship ended I was so broken, but now I look back and think thank god. I obviously don’t regret anything but It’s made me realise how much I like being single. I’m now in another relationship but my time being single has definitely made me realise thata good relationship starts with both individuals happy as themselves before becoming a couple. Love this and the point you’re putting across!

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Hey Nianni. I totally agree with everything in this post. A bad relationship is a drain on the person and a waste of time. How I wish more young ladies would hear and believe this message.They would spend quality time on themselves as they went for the right man.

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Great read!!
Totally agree with you because being stuck in a relationship that brings you nothing but unhealthy outcomes is not pretty…

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Being single than being with a toxic partner is definitely the better option. Being in a toxic relationship may lead to awful outcomes for your peace, mind, and health. 😦

It’s important to put yourself first, especially in this case. If you choose to be with someone you’re not 101% happy with, it’s not worth it. If you feel anxious most of the time, it’s not worth it. If you cry more than you smile, it’s not worth it.

I love all the benefits about being single that you’ve listed. My favorite is definitely the one about enjoying your single life! Being with yourself for too long definitely makes the boyfriend criteria higher, lol!

Great post, thank you for sharing! ❤

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This is all so true. Thank you for reminding me. I especially like your phrase about being happy by yourself. For me, that is the most important thing in life. Whether I am single or in a relationship, I shall always enjoy being on my own. ^_^ Beautiful blog and I will read more posts…!

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After three back to back to back toxic and abusive relationships, I decided to get a fresh start by changing my environment and committing to myself until I felt I was at the right space mentally to enter a relationship. After almost two years of healing and unlearning toxic habits I had built during those relationships, I felt that while I was probably ready to enter a relationship, I wasn’t ready to give up the life of self-care and little stress to enter a relationship. Without trying, I ended up in the healthiest and most mature relationship I’ve ever been in. Definitely appreciate the days when I identified with this entire page and placed my self worth over everything. I hope to revisit some of these point every now and then as I’ve learned how to create healthy boundaries and I expect by putting in a little work every once in a while to keep myself from getting as low as I’ve been.

Rather long and pointless comment just to say – I really appreciate this post. Both the single Bri & girlfriend Bri, I couldn’t help but grin a little while reading. Thank you so much for reminding me how far I’ve come and to never allow myself to get back to that place. You’re post was exactly the message I needed the universe to send today. thank you<3

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I’m so glad you reasonate with it. Thanks for reading, I’m glad that you’ve made a resolution not to go back to that and I’m proud that you got out of the toxic relationship and happy that you are with someone that treats you right. Congratulations 🎉

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Everything in this post is so true, and having been in a toxic relationship it took me a long time to realise these things – and tbh sometimes I still struggle with it. It’s one of the toughest things to do to walk away from someone that you love, but if it’s making your life miserable it’s better to be alone. Thanks for this reminder today I really needed it!

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Yeah, it’s hard to leave a toxic relationship especially if you truly love the person, you’re always going to think the person would change even when you know they wouldn’t. So it’s better to be alone than to be miserable. I’m glad you find it helpful. Thanks for reading 🤗


Brilliant post. I was single for a very long time, I spent a lot of time dating and nothing fit. I had resigned myself to staying single but then I met the one.
Having had such negative experiences, I really began to appreciate being single and I knew it would take some one really special to change my status.
I don’t miss being single (well that’s what I tell my fiance!) but I have very fond memories of my time as a single gal!

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I’m so glad you’ve found the one and you’re on your way to getting married, I pray you guys are happy forever. It’s good to know that you enjoyed being single at that time and still have fond memories. I hope things work out well for you🤗


Hi I’m grateful for the time I enjoyed alone when I was single. I was able to get to know and love myself and know that being in a relationship doesn’t define me as a woman. This was a great read.

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As someone who has been single for quite a few years, I can honestly say that I’d rather be on my own than in a bad relationship. I look at people around me who are staying in relationships that they are less than thrilled with, or hear about problems they shouldn’t be putting up with, and I actually feel lucky that those aren’t my problems.

Kristyn @


Exactly, I relate to that too and my friends tell me that I should be glad that I’m not dealing with stuffs like that. I’m glad you’re enjoying being single. You can check out the post on that. Thanks 🤗


I’m 25 and single lol But I don’t feel bad about that, I have a lot of time for me and my family. I enjoyed being alone and it’s better than having toxic relationship. Thank you for these great tips, as always ^^

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It’s so true! It’s better to be alone and happy than in a relationship and miserable. Also, before you can find a healthy relationship it’s important to love yourself and be happy on your own (then you won’t settle for just anyone). I’m very fortunate to have found my person – he’s awesome 🙂

All the best, Michelle (


Such a great post! A very close friend of mine has been in a toxic & abusive relationship for the past 3 years. Everytime I try to reason with her she doesn’t listen. She truly believes being single is worse than putting up with something that drains your mental peace. 🙈
Getting out of something toxic can be so freeing – having been there I can totally vouch for this. ☺️


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