
200 Followers And Leibster Award

Hey loves, I’m so happy to announce that there’s over two hundred of us. Our community is growing. 💃💃

I remember when I just started with no follower at all and wondered how people got their followers and now I’m at two hundred already. I really want to thank everyone that comes across this blog, checking it out, reading its contents, liking and commenting and even following. You guys are really amazing and I really appreciate your . Thank you very much. ♥️♥️♥️

Leibster Award

I was nominated for the leibster award by precious blaque do check out her blog.


Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Answer the eleven questions given to you

Nominate 11 other bloggers

Ask your nominees 11 questions.


Your favourite thing about blogging?

Writing and everything else

One thing lockdown taught you

Lockdown has taught me that life happens and things won’t always go as planned but there could be something we need to learn and new doors to be opened.

Your biggest life achievement

My biggest achievement is starting this blog along with working on myself to me that’s one of the greatest things I can do for myself.

What do you like about blogging?

I like writing and having others read and express their views or experience on a topic.

What you dislike about blogging

I don’t have anything I dislike at the moment about blogging.

Your blogging goals and your plans to achieve them.

To go self hosted, I’m still learning about some things and reading about it.

Your favourite memory in the history of blogging

I don’t have any in particular but I cherish every comment.

Describe your blog in three words

Positive, inspiring and informative.

Describe yourself in three words

Beautiful, intelligent and nice.

Have you ever thought about quitting blogging?

No, I just started. The thought has never crossed my mind.

What does blogging do to you?

It makes me happy and has made me discover some things I didn’t even know about and learn about it so it’s quite educative too.

My nominees

Miss Bluw





Mimi Cares


Olivia Lucie Blake

Dr Namrata


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