
31 Daily Positive Affirmations For A Mind Blowing New Year: Change And Live Your Life In 2021

Hey loves, we’re in a new year already, it’s 2021 and I have some great affirmations for the new year that will blow your mind and change your life. Last year was a lot and it’s really important for us to stay positive throughout the year and these affirmations will definitely help you to have a successful year.

Affirmations For A Remarkable Year

  1. This year is going to be a great year for me.
  2. This year my dreams are coming true.
  3. I am successful in all I do.
  4. My finances continuously improve daily.
  5. I am healthy and bustling with energy.
  6. I am living an amazing life.
  7. I love myself and everyone around me.
  8. I am determined to achieve great things in 2021.
  9. My goals and plans for this year are achievable.
  10. I am open to endless opportunities in 2021.
  11. This year my relationship with myself and others are improving.
  12. My mind is clear and at peace throughout 2021.
  13. I attract abundance, prosperity and happiness in 2021.
  14. I am loved and I let love in.
  15. I am worthy of everything I desire.
  16. In 2021, I let go of everything that no longer serves me.
  17. I am fully committed to making 2021 my best year.
  18. 2021 is the year I’m transforming my life.
  19. 2021 is my year of good health, happiness and prosperity.
  20. 2021 is my year for personal transformation and development.
  21. I am totally committed to achieving my goals this year.
  22. This year I am focusing my thoughts and actions on what I want to achieve.
  23. Everyday I focus my energy on what I want from my life.
  24. This year, I break free from my past and fear.
  25. In 2021, I pursue what I want ceaselessly.
  26. In 2021, I am working my dream job.
  27. I let go of the past and step into a powerful future.
  28. I always have what I need when I need it.
  29. I welcome the gift of a new year and the chance for a fresh start.
  30. I am living my life to the fullest.
  31. Everything is always working out for my greatest good.

Be sure to say these affirmations daily, morning and night if you can. It will surely help you maintain a positive mindset. What’s your favourite affirmation on the list and which affirmations have you been saying recently?

93 replies on “31 Daily Positive Affirmations For A Mind Blowing New Year: Change And Live Your Life In 2021”

I love this! I feel like too many people overlook the power of positive affirmations to help influence our mindset and improve our lives. For those that haven’t tried using affirmations before, your list offers some great guidance to get started!

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Yes, affirmations helps improve our mindset and helps us remain positive. I’m glad you like them as well.

Have a great day, wishing you all the best this year. 🤗


Loving the positive energy in this post! With everything that’s happening in the world right now it can be easy to focus on the negatives and let them get you down. Positivity for the win! I’m going to write a post on how to beat the January blues this week.

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Love all these! I tend to put affirmations like these on sticky notes and place them on my mirror. here’s to having positive mindsets 🙂

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My favorite has to be #31! Everything is always working out for my greatest good. It’s so important to rest in that statement and find comfort in knowing things will be okay

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