
Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award

Hey loves, I just got nominated for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award by an amazing blogger Miss Bluw. She has a fashion blog where she talks about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. I know most of us are interested in these niches so you should definitely check her out here

I’m really honoured for the nomination as this is my first ever blogger award nomination, thank you for the opportunity.

Miss Bluw Questions

  1. What two lessons have you learnt from the Covid-19 experience?

I’ve learnt that life happens, everyone had plans for the new year, how they were going to achieve this or that but then life happened. No one expected it to but we’re here and we’re still living so the first lesson is that not everything happens the way we plan. The second lesson is that I’ve learnt to be grateful, I know how many people have died from Covid-19 or just died this year and although I haven’t been able to do some things I’m grateful for life.

What do you miss the most from when life was normal?I miss going to school, dressing up to go somewhere, taking pictures, attending lectures and just seeing and interacting with people.

Why did you start blogging?

I just wanted an outlet to write about something I was passionate about and during that period I was going through some emotional problems so writing about it really helped plus I wanted to have a positive platform that people could come to and be inspired to do something.

Who is my mentor in life?

I feel life itself is a teacher, I’m not currently under the mentorship of anyone but there a lot of people around me that just guides and put me through.

Which do you prefer, coffee or tea?

I prefer tea but I don’t really like any.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who has nominated you and provide a link back to his/her blog.
  2. Answer their questions.
  3. Nominate up to 9 other bloggers and ask them 5 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees through their blog by visiting and commenting on their blogs.
  5. List the rules and display the ā€œIdeal Inspiration Blogger Awardā€ logo.
  6. Provide the link of the Award creator of the ideal inspiration blogger award as Rising Star from

My Nominees

1. Valery

2. Nonny poseidon

3. Motso lifestyle

4. Avuma Flatela

5. Amber Page

6. Cherbelle

7. Amelia

My Questions

1. What are your goals for your blog?

2. What’s your favorite thing to do?

3. What inspires you to write ?

4. When did you start writing?

5. What’s your favourite social media platform?

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